How Can I Start Making Money on Forex?

Posted on Friday, May 24, 2013 by Unknown

Educate Yourself:
If you’re just starting on Forex, you need to read everything you can about it. Start by reading free ebooks like this one and check some top Forex courses on the market. Think about your education as an investment on yourself, not as an expense. Some people argue that you can learn everything about Forex for free. Well, it’s possible, but I seriously doubt anyone can become a good trader without investing in his education.
This is true for everything in life, so how could it be different on Forex? Can you imagine a doctor performing a surgery if he has not invested in his education?

Five Myths about forex trading

Posted on Thursday, May 23, 2013 by Unknown

1 – If I know how to trade stocks, I know how to make money on Forex:
If you have experience trading stocks and think you can simply apply your knowledge on Forex and make money, you’re going to be disappointed. The Forex market is much more complex. Firstly, the Forex market is open 24 hours a day. This may not seem a big deal but it’s a significant difference in relation to the stock market. As the Forex market is open 24 hours a day, this brings more complexity to a trader. If in the stock market you have periods of higher and lower volatility, in the Forex these differences are even higher.

Forex advantages

Posted on by Unknown

The Foreign exchange market (also known as Forex, currency market or FX market) is, by far, the largest financial market in the world. It includes trading between large banks, central banks, currency speculators, multinational corporations, governments, and other financial markets and institutions.
The average daily trade in the global Forex and related markets is currently over US$ 3 trillion.
Lots of traders are starting to trade Forex due to the Forex market advantages. Here are the most important Forex market advantages:

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